Soul Intelligence Program Reviews
Your results are what motivates us towards success.
The top thing student's say they receive from the program is trust and clarity of their life path and soul's purpose. Many students also achieve a level of skill and confidence to do intuitive work professionally.
Thank you for letting us be your guide.

Mirabelle Yang, PHD candidate, Singapore
I was unsure and hesitant about many things in life but through the work we did in the Soul Intelligence course, I gained so much more clarity about how to heal certain mental, emotional, physical issues and my key limiting beliefs. There was a lot of confusion in my life before, but much of that has cleared up.
The program provided me a very safe and encouraging space to tap into my intuition. Desiree is an excellent teacher and facilitator! She's supportive and knows how to bring out the best in everyone while also offering helpful suggestions. Her presence and energy, together with my fellow course mates', made each session a really powerful experience.
The material is presented very concisely and lucidly. Tapping into my intuition has given me access to a wide range of feeling-states and insights; this has taught me to be kinder as I started to see, and be touched by what other people are going through.
Through this program, I learned to trust myself better and to be more secure in my decisions. But the most valuable thing is that I started to live with more awareness, in a more embodied and magical way!"

Bina Sheikh, home-maker, Pakistan
"I have developed an intuition I didn’t even know I was capable of. It has helped me make better decisions. My thought process has changed a lot.
In the past year, I have done plenty of courses of the same genre but none even comes close to Soul Intelligence Program.
Desiree has designed the course REALLY well with follow ups which forces us to practice. There were never any follow ups in other courses I have taken. The resources we were given to study in itself has helped me be a better person and a calmer mother .
It has strengthened my religious faith as well. There were things that I didn’t understand clearly but going through the course so many things just fell into place. I have had many many aha moments, more than I have had in any other course.Things which I didn’t understand previously, make better sense to me.
The attunements which are given to us are very powerful. Again I have had many other attunements but none were this strong. In fact the experience during the attunements were very profound. The strong rush of energy that entered the body is something which one can only experience and not explain.
I have recommended and encouraged SO many of my friends and family not to miss out on the Soul Intelligence Program!"

Rachel Lee, Self-employed, Korea
“I've benefitted immensely and I've completely changed my life around for the better after learning how to tap into my intuition. I've also been able to help others.
I especially liked the attunement where I felt so calm, peaceful and taken to a deeper place for exploration. Desiree's spoken guidance during these sessions for us to access past lives and higher dimensions was done very gently yet powerfully.
It was a powerful experience that allowed me to discover so much about myself and the divine. I learnt so much through both knowledge that she taught, from the inward exploration, and the interaction with others. I also liked the use of crystals and essential oils.
The question-and-answer sessions that Desiree does are balanced, open to other possibilities and encouraged us to find our own answers, instead of telling us what to think and believe. I liked that she gave feedback and guidance while we were doing the practice with our partners. It was assuring and the feedback was welcome.
I've continually over the years recommended Desiree's services and classes to my friends!”

Angeline Chia, Yoga Instructor, Singapore
"This course delivered more than I had anticipated. The guidance I received through my intuition has been empowering and always supportive. To me, this is an invaluable tool to navigate all kinds of challenges in life.
It serves as a timely reminder towards any challenges in life, delivering great insights for our highest good. The wider perspective brought about so much more clarity and self-awareness."

Sophie Leung, Hypnotherapist and Coach, UK
"I have become more present in my body and have trust in the universe now after Module 1 and 2 of the program. Being able to connect to my heart and less in my head has been very valuable. I have learnt from my intuitive readings, and through the lessons that I have imparted to others.
I now live with greater alignment, only doing what feels right for me."

Lorraine Ang, HR Professional, Indonesia
"I have found the course instrumental in supporting my spiritual growth. I do find myself becoming better in finding my own self confidence and trusting myself better.
I am starting to see myself as being more creative and realising that I can do more than what I thought I could. I think it has also triggered me into this cleansing phase where I am starting to change my habits and also starting to re organise my house!"

Rebekah Hah-Dwyer, Intuitive Astrologer (Chinese Metaphysics), UK
"Honing my intuition has helped me to gain greater clarity and understanding of the past, present and future phases of my life. I now feel more relaxed, at peace and live in greater flow as my life and my purpose continue to unfold.
Before unlocking my Soul's Intelligence, I felt like I was always searching for the right answers to questions about my life.
Tuning into my intuition, has enabled me to trust the insights received and live with greater joy and freedom.”

Jessica Wiler, English Lecturer, USA
"I feel more expanded in my life now, I have new curiosity and a new outlook over certain things in my life that I didn't understand before. I'm starting to see a much bigger picture.
This program helped me gain more trust .... and practice! It was so nice to meet like-minded people and share in these experiences with them, too.
It just really opened my mind.
It just makes you more aware of the energy around us and how powerful it can be.
There is so much more to life than what our human eyes can see, it's another layer of mystery to me that's slowing being uncovered. I find it fascinating!
I like Desiree's energy. Her methods are simple, yet effective and she seems very grounded. I felt very comfortable throughout. I also really enjoyed the Q&A sessions.
When I tried to intuit on my own, I didn't have anyone else to talk to about what was going on and what I was feeling. It was comforting to have someone there to help guide us the right way and answer any of our questions and doubts."

Akiko Igarashi, Singing Bowl Teacher, Japan
“The course was a very enlightening experience. As a practitioner of channelling from other schools, her class opened the door for me to see it as it is part of energy work rather than 'clairvoyance' course.
Especially, I enjoyed the 'attunement', where such concept was very new to me in a such a course. The openness and style of freedom were major positive part I took out of her class. This course is recommended to both beginner and also to people who already learned some form of energy work or channeling work previously.
I look forward to spiritual growth on each and every step of this course.”

Eveline Ang, Attorney, Australia
“The greatest value for me was the whole class! Desiree balances right brain and left brain needs. The attunement was also amazingly relaxing and refreshing.
My biggest challenge has always been believing in myself. There was ample time for practice. The sessions boosted my confidence and gave me practical steps in unfolding questions or figuring out questions that would bring the best out of the session. Emotionally and mentally, it was cleansing, I felt at ease and expanded.
Even after a long day, my mind felt as if it just went for a wash, all fresh and clear! Spiritually, it's given me the bigger perspective on how I could grow as a person.
As the group was small, it was intimate and I felt bonded with the other participants. Felt like I have a village to fall back on.”

Nanthini Mageandran, School Teacher, Singapore
"My greatest learning from the program is to listen and trust the voice of my soul. I was able to reduce my migraine medication after being on them for 2 years.
I have always had difficulties making decisions since childhood due to limiting beliefs and fear, and through the course, I have been able to make quicker decisions and trust them."

Sylvia Fernandes NLP Coach & Trainer, Australia
"Desiree makes a difficult subject easy. Most people think that accessing your intuition is a tough thing but after experiencing it myself, I can say with Desiree’s step by step approach, she somehow takes you there.
Desiree knows her subject matter extremely well since she is self taught and all of her material has been downloaded through her own Soul's Intelligence."

Gabriele Goh, Tarot Reader & Astrologer, Singapore
“My challenge before was trusting my intuition and understanding what I am really doing. Through the attunement sessions, some blockage is definitely cleared in my spiritual and emotional body. I'm also starting to become more conscious about my body and how it reacts to the various energies, even in things as simple as food. Wish I could attend more!”

Calvin Teo, Teacher, Singapore
"The program was great! It was fun and Desiree delivered it coherently and smoothly. She is very down-to-earth about the techniques and didn't try to colour it with fad and mysticism which can mislead people and complicate the whole experience.
Before attending, my biggest challenge was to quiet my mind off expectations and doubts. Now with her clear instructions, I am beginning to be able to channel with intention!
With the energy, the fellow classmates and the teacher, I couldn't ask for anything better. Thank you Desiree!"
Video Reviews
of our (past) shorter workshops